Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id ornare diam, sed dignissim risus. Integer a felis lorem. Nunc turpis mauris, blandit sed orci quis, suscipit cursus lorem. Etiam justo neque, tincidunt in elit vel, lacinia pulvinar elit. Donec eu rutrum quam. Morbi laoreet vehicula ex, eu fermentum dolor feugiat et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse posuere ante eu neque semper molestie. Fusce nec ultrices eros. Quisque quis ipsum metus. Praesent eu augue nibh. Sed vehicula orci vel feugiat feugiat. Phasellus finibus auctor posuere. Proin et ipsum eu turpis dignissim sodales.
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It gives me great pleasure to share with you a brief history of the Colombo Tea Traders’ Association, the Apex Body of Sri Lanka’s Tea Industry. The commercial production of CEYLON TEA commenced in 1867. Pioneered by a Scotsman, James Taylor, on Loolecondera Estate in Hewahata, in the Kandy District, it developed into the most important Industry of our island, over the ensuing 156 years. Colombo Tea Traders’ Association was inaugurated on August 9, 1894, with the objective of promoting alike the common interests of Sellers and Buyers of Tea, and to uphold the good name of the Colombo Tea Market. As the Apex Body of the Tea Industry, it represents all the stakeholders of the Tea Industry, which include Producers, Brokers and Exporters.
The Colombo Tea Trades’ Association was Incorporated and formed as a Company, by notification published in the Government Gazette on June 20, 2014. The CTTA plays a pivotal role in promoting and fostering the Tea Industry in Sri Lanka and serves as the main link representing the Tea Industry in the private sector with the Government and statutory and other authorities. In affiliation with organizations in Sri Lanka and overseas with similar objectives, the CTTA participates in promotional initiatives and in developing improvements and agricultural and technological advances in the Tea Industry globally.
It gives me great pleasure to share with you a brief history of the Colombo Tea Traders’ Association, the Apex Body of Sri Lanka’s Tea Industry. The commercial production of CEYLON TEA commenced in 1867. Pioneered by a Scotsman, James Taylor, on Loolecondera Estate in Hewahata, in the Kandy District, it developed into the most important Industry of our island, over the ensuing 156 years. Colombo Tea Traders’ Association was inaugurated on August 9, 1894, with the objective of promoting alike the common interests of Sellers and Buyers of Tea, and to uphold the good name of the Colombo Tea Market. As the Apex Body of the Tea Industry, it represents all the stakeholders of the Tea Industry, which include Producers, Brokers and Exporters.
The Colombo Tea Trades’ Association was Incorporated and formed as a Company, by notification published in the Government Gazette on June 20, 2014. The CTTA plays a pivotal role in promoting and fostering the Tea Industry in Sri Lanka and serves as the main link representing the Tea Industry in the private sector with the Government and statutory and other authorities. In affiliation with organizations in Sri Lanka and overseas with similar objectives, the CTTA participates in promotional initiatives and in developing improvements and agricultural and technological advances in the Tea Industry globally.
The Colombo Tea Traders’ Association was inaugurated on August 9, 1894, with the objective of promoting alike the common interests of Sellers and Buyers of Tea, and to uphold the good name of the Colombo Tea Market.
The management of the Colombo Tea Auction was delegated to the Colombo Tea Traders’
Association, which it has handled, without a break, since August 9, 1894. It continues to be one of its primary functions.
It is affiliated to the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce [CCC], which was established in 1839,
and at the request of the Producers, to regulate and monitor the affairs of the Tea Trade
and to conduct the Tea Auction in a formal and orderly manner.
One of the first undertakings of this Association was to review, on behalf of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the loose collection of rules under which the auction of tea was being conducted, hitherto, so as to ensure the regulated and efficient operation of the auction. On November 1, 1894, recommendations on the “Rules of the Conditions of Sale”, were ratified. Thus, the By-Laws and Conditions for the Sale of Tea by Public Auction came into formal existence.
Tea Export Controller administered the Tea Export sector in Ceylon under the Ministry of Agriculture and Land from 1933 up to 1958. In 1959, the Tea Export Commissioner’s Department was established under the Tea (Tax & Control of Export) Act No 16 of 1959. The entire tea export trade including Colombo and London Tea Auctions was regulated, monitored, and developed under the provisions of the Tea Export Control Scheme up to 1959, and from 1959 to 1976 the Commissioner of Tea Export under the Tea (Tax & Control of Export) Act No 16 of 1959. After establishing the Sri Lanka Tea Board in 1976, the Tea Export Commissioner’s Department was abolished and the Sri Lanka Tea Board delegated the powers of conduct of tea auctions to the CCC/CTTA on 09 th June 1978 by 320/15 Government Gazette Notification.
The set of By-Laws and Conditions for the Sale of Tea by Public Auction has been reviewed and updated by the Colombo Tea Traders’ Association, at regular intervals, to provide a stable, reliable and credible procedure for the sale of Tea and to meet the requirements of the changing circumstances of the Trade, with the progressive increase in production volumes and the further development of the Tea Industry.
The management of the Colombo Tea Auction was delegated to the Colombo Tea Traders’ Association, which it has handled, without a break, since August 9, 1894. It continues to be one of its primary functions.
It is affiliated to the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce [CCC], which was established in 1839, and at the request of the Producers, to regulate and monitor the affairs of the Tea Trade and to conduct the Tea Auction in a formal and orderly manner.
One of the first undertakings of this Association was to review, on behalf of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the loose collection of rules under which the auction of tea was being conducted, hitherto, so as to ensure the regulated and efficient operation of the auction. On November 1, 1894, recommendations on the “Rules of the Conditions of Sale”, were ratified. Thus, the By-Laws and Conditions for the Sale of Tea by Public Auction came into formal existence.
Tea Export Controller administered the Tea Export sector in Ceylon under the Ministry of Agriculture and Land from 1933 up to 1958. In 1959, the Tea Export Commissioner’s Department was established under the Tea (Tax & Control of Export) Act No 16 of 1959. The entire tea export trade including Colombo and London Tea Auctions was regulated, monitored, and developed under the provisions of the Tea Export Control Scheme up to 1959, and from 1959 to 1976 the Commissioner of Tea Export under the Tea (Tax & Control of Export) Act No 16 of 1959. After establishing the Sri Lanka Tea Board in 1976, the Tea Export Commissioner’s Department was abolished and the Sri Lanka Tea Board delegated the powers of conduct of tea auctions to the CCC/CTTA on 09 th June 1978 by 320/15 Government Gazette Notification.
The set of By-Laws and Conditions for the Sale of Tea by Public Auction has been reviewed and updated by the Colombo Tea Traders’ Association, at regular intervals, to provide a stable, reliable and credible procedure for the sale of Tea and to meet the requirements of the changing circumstances of the Trade, with the progressive increase in production volumes and the further development of the Tea Industry.
The Colombo Tea Trades’ Association was Incorporated and formed as a Company, limited by guarantee, under the Companies Act No.07 of 2007, on May 20, 2014, by notification published in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on June 20, 2014, to take over the assets and to carry on the functions of the Colombo Tea Traders’ Association. The Company retained the name, “Colombo Tea Traders’ Association”, without the addition of the word “Limited”.
As the Private Apex Body of the Tea Industry, it represents the following stakeholders of the Tea Industry.
The Planters’ Association of
Ceylon [PA] – 1854
The Sri Lanka Tea Factory Owners’
Association [SLTFOA] – 1982
The Tea Exporters’ Association
[TEA] – 1999
The Colombo Brokers’ Association
[CBA] -1904
The Tea Small Holdings Development
Authority [TSHDA] – 1977
As the Private Apex Body of the Tea Industry, it represents the following stakeholders of the Tea Industry.
The CTTA has a wide and representative Corporate Membership comprising Buyers, Sellers, Brokers and
Support Services, as well as individuals on whom Honorary Membership has been conferred. The classifications
into which its membership is categorized are as follows:
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